Kata Kunci:
macro nutrients, micro nutrients, palm oil ash, boiler ash, sludgeAbstrak
Peat soils are generally characterized by low pH levels, poor in macro nutrients and micronutrients, making it
difficult to be used as an agricultural area. Efforts that can be made to overcome conditions like this are to provide
ameliorant materials including palm oil waste. This study aims to determine the effect of giving palm oil waste with
different doses on the content of macronutrients (pH, N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (Cu, Fe, B, Mn and Zn). This
study used a survey method by sampling peat soil and treated with palm oil waste (janjang ash, boiler ash and sludge)
with different doses (5 tons/ha, 10 tons/ha and 15 tons/ha). The results showed that giving different types of palm oil
waste and doses can increase the pH of peat soils. The highest pH increase is obtained at the application of janjang
ash. Applying different types of oil palm waste and doses to peat soils can increase macro nutrient levels but only
slightly for Ca and Mg. K and P levels increase quite high, especially in the application of ash janjang. However, N has
decreased except for the administration of sludge. Applying different types of palm oil waste and doses to peat soils
increases micronutrient levels of B, Mn and Zn, but not Cu. Fe levels also increased except in the application of ash.