The Correlation Between Breakfast and Student Concentration at SMAN 1 Kelayang
Kata Kunci:
breakfast, concentration, nutrition intake, studentsAbstrak
In Indonesia, the most of school children either do not have breakfast or have breakfast that does not fulfill nutritional requirements, whereas breakfast has an impact on children's activity and thinking ability at school. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between breakfast and concentration of student at SMAN Kelayang. This study used a cros sectional method. The number of samples taken was 113 respondents with a purposive sampling technique. The data collection method used a breakfast questionnaire, recall, and a symbol digit test sheet. The relationship analysis used the chi square test. The results showed that the majority of respondents had poor breakfast patterns and poor concentration levels. There was a relationship between breakfast and concentration (p = 0.000). The odds ratio (OR) results showed that respondents with a poor breakfast category had a 7.067 times risk of having poor concentration compared to respondents with a good breakfast category. There was a relationship between breakfast and student concentration at SMAN 1 Kelayang.