Reproductive Disorders in Bali Cattle in Kandis Subdistrict
Kata Kunci:
animal reproduction, bali cattle, reproduction disorderAbstrak
Limited food of animal origin is caused by the decline in birth rates which has led to a decline in the livestock population in Indonesia. The decline in livestock populations is caused by a decrease in livestock reproductive performance due to reproductive disorders. To improve reproductive performance, reproductive management must be improved. One of the causes of low reproductive efficiency is disorders of the reproductive tract. This research was carried out in several stages, namely anamnesis, clinical examination, rectal examination of reproductive conditions and treatment of reproductive disorders. Reproductive disorders are diagnosed based on anamnesis, physical examination, clinical examination and palpation and perectal exploration. Based on the results of examination of 137 Bali cattle experiencing reproductive disorders, the following percentages were obtained: Reproductive disorders with the highest percentage of occurrence were retentiono secundinarum (25.55%), ovarian hypofunction (23.36%), persistent corpus luteum (16.06%). %), %), silent fever (13.14%), endometritis (8.03%), pyometra (4.38%), metritis (2.92%), recurrent culture (2.92%), follicular cystic (2, 92%), and ovarian atrophy (0.72%).